Sunday, October 14, 2012


1. A scientist must be curious about the world:

Galileo Galilei's curiosity about the heavenly bodies made him the first person to use a telescope to study the moon, the sun, the planets and the stars.

2. A scientist is logical and systematic:

Among the reasons why Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of heredity when others have failed was his logical experimental methods and his careful an
d accurate record keeping.

3. A scientist is open-minded:

An open-minded person is one who can modify plans or discard hypotheses if necessary. One such person was Johannes Kepler who was hired to develop evidence that planets moved along perfect circles.

4. A scientist is intellectually honest:

Isaac Newton built his laws of motion on the previous work of Galileo and others.

5. A scientist works hard and is persistent:

Marie Curie was the first person ever to be awarded the Nobel Prize twice. It was not surprising considering how hard she worked.

6. A scientist does not jump to conclusions:

John Dalton's atomic theory was backed by experimental evidence. He was not the first to propose that the atom was the smallest particle of matter, but he was the first to use experimental evidence to support his theory.

7. A scientist is a creative and critical thinker:

Albert Einstein was able to derive his theory of relativity because he went beyond what was given and known at that time. He saw links and connections where others did not. He looked at things from different perspectives.

8. A scientist is rational.

9. A scientist is willing to suspend judgment until he is sure of his results.

10.A scientist tries new approaches to arrive at solutions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Teacher Day Celebration

Teacher's Day is celebrated as a tribute to the valuable contribution made by teachers to the society by imparting knowledge and enlightening and shaping the career of students.

For students, Teacher's Day is an occasion to pay reverence and gratitude to teachers for their selfless effort in shaping their career and enriching the education system in the process. 

When is Teacher's Day celebrated? The date for celebrating this special event varies from country to country across the world.

 Most of the schools and institutions make elaborate preparations for the celebrations. The ceremony usually kicks off with a warm Teacher's Day speech paying respect and thanking teachers for their contribution. This is often followed by a range of colorful cultural programs, feast and other activities which make the event special and memorable.

A few traditional ways of celebrating the event include presenting colorful flowers, beautiful Teacher's Day cards or gifts to the teacher as tokens of love and admiration. But students often try innovative ways and ideas to celebrate Teacher's Day. 

Some rely on creative and attractive Teacher's Day greeting cards adorned with captivating and touchy quotes and messages to convey the indebtedness unfailingly and also to capture the wonderful moments of the event. Others select lovely and popular Teacher's Day quotes to convey their inner feeling of love for their teacher.

All of us have been students at some stage of our life and have benefited from our teachers. Celebration of Teacher's Day is a wonderful opportunity especially for all of us to show our gratitude and appreciation to our teachers. Teacher's are the education for children and from their teaching we have our future.

The importance of Teachers in our life cannot be overstated . The primacy of teachers in our lives cannot be told more effectively than this. Teachers would the lives that they influence. Lessons learned from teachers remain with user students throughout life. They-the teachers- break down barriers and reach into our souls Breathes there a student with soul so dead/who never to himself hath said, “Thanks, Oh Teacher, thanks. You made a man out of an ignoramus. Teachers are tired with their workload and responsibilities. They have their own families, financial and life stresses that challenge them along with everyone else. And yet when they come into the class they almost step into a different radiant personality. We should therefore, always respect our teachers. Teachers need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their devotion to students is appreciated.